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About Rigaku

In the past, if you wanted to make highly accurate residual stress measurements, you had to use an R&D diffractometer because of the accuracy of the goniometer. However this restricts the weight and size of the samples you can measure. On the other hand, dedicated laboratory and factory-floor residual stress analyzers suffer from reduced accuracy due to the nature of their mechanical designs, while, in their favor, they have the flexibility of measuring large and heavy parts.

With the AutoMATE II, you now have the best of both worlds. Large and heavy parts (30 kg with standard manual Z stage; 20 kg with optional automated XYZ stage) can be measured with high accuracy. This is possible because the X-ray source and detector arm are mounted on a highly accurate two-axis goniometer that can position them relative to the measurement site and perform scans with an accuracy of 0.1 microns when using the automated XYZ stage.

The most advanced new feature of the AutoMATE II lies in an innovative new X-ray detector. The detector used in the AutoMATE II is the D/teX Ultra1000, an electronic Si strip detector that has high dynamic range, high sensitivity, and good energy resolution, as well as not requiring any consumable gas.

Moscow, Russia, 123610, 12, Krasnopresnenskaya q., World Trade Centre, M-2, 15 fl., 1512 office
+7 (495) 967 0959
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